What I Am Reading:

The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes by Donald Hoffman

A few months ago I wrote about Donald Hoffman’s Interview on Sam Harris’ PODCast.  I had watched his TED Talk and was fascinated by his Interface Theory of Perception.  Well now he’s written a book about how Darwinian Natural Selection has actually not selected for us to perceive objective reality as it truly is, but rather has shaped our perceptions as an interface that abstracts away the complexities of whatever the objective reality is. Instead of perceiving the true nature of reality, we perceive everything as icons that give us cues about fitness payoffs in our interface. I’ve drank the kool aid on this one. This book will 🤯.

The Playing Field - Graham Duncan’s Blog

During these uncertain financial times, fear reigns on the markets and investors. This article gave me some great insights on how I should be thinking and acting by breaking down the different levels of investors from the Apprentice to the Expert to the Professional and finally, to the Master. Get to know what it takes to up your investing game and act accordingly.

Forget homeschooling during the pandemic. Teach life skills instead.

The title of this one says it all. I can’t agree more with this and this is what my wife and I have been practicing with our kids while they have been zoom schooled the past few months. It’s a stressful time for them as well and you can help your kids cope better and learn how to actually live life without the formulaic memorization and arithmetic. It will probably serve them better in the long run anyway.

What I am Watching:

Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities | Chongtul Rinpoche | TEDxFultonStreet

I’ve always wanted to be able to lucid dream.  99% of the time I don’t remember any of my dreams and when I do, I usually forget them within 10 minutes of waking up. Still can’t get it to work for me but I’m trying!

What I am Listening To:

Guy Kawasaki's Remarkable People: Stephen Wolfram: Physicist and Youngest MacArthur Award Winner
Stephen Wolfram is one of the most influential and smartest computer scientists and physicists that you have most likely never heard of. Among the many amazing software languages and products he has built is Wolfram Alpha, which is the background technology for things like Siri and Alexa. Guy’s interview with him will reveal just how much you don’t about the genius you should really know about.

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish: #82 Bill Ackman: Getting Back Up

I’m not particularly a big fan of Bill Ackman’s but this interview was super insightful for any investor to listen to and get a glimpse into how they should be thinking and acting. He’s also an extremely well spoken, thoughtful, and interesting guy.

What I am Buying:

Airofit Breathing Trainer

I just received this breathing trainer apparatus made by the Danish company Airofit. I haven't been able to use it much yet but the reviews and the videos look impressive. I figured since the Wim Hof breathing I have been doing has had such a profound effect on me, then this device will likely take me to an even higher level.

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